Saturday, March 23, 2013

When we thought is over.Is not!

When we thought is over.Is not!

When we thought is over.Is not! You think Paul left the building and all is quite and in order? The living in Cebu forums is now a better place? No more scams? Well,think again! That's not what Phillip John Keen thinks of Paul, for being scammed on a cold blooded way  as Paul knows the formula.

Let's see what he had to say. The mails and information below are published with the full agreement and consent of Phil. Click on the image to enlarge it.

When we thought is over.Is not!

It all started with a mail I received yesterday from Phil containing the following: 
On 22 mars 2013, at 06:05, Phil J wrote:

Gidday mate, I'm a real mug on computers and trying to search anything.

I am trying to find as much stuff on Petrea that indicates his activities as I can, to send to the Thai Immigration so as to fuck him up with them. He's been there for maybe a year after getting out of this place (Cebu). Obviously still bullshitting folks.

I just placed a 6 month ad in his Living in Cebu at a cost of $153 and as he just banned me for saying stuff he didn't like,he has also cancelled my ad and makes no move to repay the remaining 5 months plus of unused paid up ad fees. So fuck him.

 Perhaps you can give me ideas where to search to find things like Arrest warrants and any other damning document out there on him?

Thanks, Phil Keen

(From the Admin): Phil later corrected  the new country of Paul being Cambodia and not Thailand 

Not surprised at all! The horse is not dead folks! 
"Once a Sexpat and a scammer like Paul has fully ingratiated himself within this  community, there is abolutely no chance for his re-assimilation back into the real world.  The underlying shame and guilt for the extent of his insalubrious indulgences can only be managed so long as he maintains his current lifestyle and continues to live a life of deluded bliss.  The real world will simply not accept someone so lacking in basic moral standards, personal hygiene and self-respect – plus his mates  will probably allways call him a poof".

More about Paul Petrea and his partners in scams:

Many stories from the blog that triggered "the departure" of Paul Petrea and also stories about of his sexpats-scammers partners.

This is the first page of a thread  published on on liveinthephilippines forum owned by Matt Wilkie also a sexpat scammer, good friend of Paul before things turned sour over a forum traffic on the net. Matt shot the thread down and with it the forum went dark leaving him with 4-5 members only. There are 45 pages where you can read the whole store what happened. Since this is a saved version all links are not necessary working. One has to click on the numbers and not on "next" or "previous" messages like the picture shows below. There is one  on the beginning  and the bottom of each page. 
When we thought is over.Is not!

 In the page 22 you'll find a long comment from one that knows him well, some one who witnessed the sinister acts of a psychopath formerly living in Cebu. Scroll the window and find Bob Ward name on the left and the message  RE: So what's the story - Americano..?? « Reply #320 on: March 5, 2012, 10:32:24 PM » 

It takes a lot of courage and more than a touch of honesty to bring the facts to the public. Bob Ward is now a taller man than he was already.

Here is the link

In my turn, I Appeal to his cohorts partners in scamming from the Living in Cebu forums Guenther Vomberg  and Tim Potter "aka"USMC retired  to force their boss to reimburse him or face the consequences! 

I'll be waiting! 

Happy reading