Monday, July 30, 2018

Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time

July 31st 2018 update: I told you so! 

A quick update

As we all know by now, and as expected, the forum is back.  With strange things happening. First, Paul lashed out not only on Chris Sorensen but on Salty Dog also. That snake Salty Dog! Yes folks! Even Paul wants him out of his life! That's how usually ends scumbags flock together. 

Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time
Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 
Stabbing time
Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Noticed? He said "not affiliated". This means nothing folks. Besides, it comes form the biggest liar in forums history, second only to Paul. Don the salty dog. Sorensen is still the owner, he just delegated power of attorney to him in exchange of acting the way  Sarah Sanders defending trump, lies and damn lies that is. 

And here is what he said on the forum 
Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time
I didn't know who had bought the forum from Paul until nearly a year after the purchase
and I was a staff member.

You did't know who's the new owner for more than a year?  Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time

End of the update. Folks there is much more coming. In the mean time, please do a favor to yourself; dont reply to any offer of services, loans, banking, bit coins and similar get rich overnight scams. In few weeks (Summertime laziness here) You'll know more, much more.  

End of the update  Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Hello to all orphan boys residents in the living in Cebu forums. I got some news for you! You know that new owner of the living in Cebu forums Member#1? That you always wondered who the hell    might be this person and why he hides his ID tightly? Mystery solved! Thanks to Paul Petrea! Here he is:

Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time
Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Chris Sorensen. Aka Monsoon, Aka Member#1, What else? Hum!!!!!! Not so good.Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Folks, It could be breaking news but isn't. A few initiated in the LICF knew from day one (Including myself) who Member#1 is (The new owner of the forum). Weeks later almost all of the regular gang knew it also. 
But the demande/order from Chris Sorensen to keep his name secret on the forum was followed, I'd say fairly good, I did follow it as well, just for the heck of helping some friends members who asked for to:  "Let's wait and see what his attentions are." 

While on standby, disturbing information about Chris Sorensen were flowing in about some crooked business registration in Las Vegas and London confirming Chris'  behavior of keeping  it real low, flying under the radar, making sure he goes undetectable. Stil, despite the pressure receiving from supporters to move on, I needed more. 

Then, the surprise came from Paul Petrea Much later of the date he promised to do a statement. It was January 2018 Read below. 

 Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time
Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Then, where everyone thought he will reveal details of the deal and what went wrong and sower, no one imagined that Paul, after months on silence will wake up the beast on him (If ever was asleep) and attack Chris Sorensen right on the Achilles heel: Publically Revealing his name as the owner of LICF was for Soreensen a deep wound to his ego.  Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 
Folks, this saga isn't about to coming to an end so I can get my trip to Disneyland. Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 
The forum is not dead, the forum is functioning in hidden layers, yes, there are several layers of secrecy and members classifications. 

Folks, summer time here, I'll be roaming all august between France and Greece but I'll be reading  mail and comments. Send them massively, the horse is not dead, it's in the hands of a veterinary ready to undergo surgery. 

But  no wounded horse has ever entered the competition again. Paul Petrea Chris Sorensen: Stabbing time 

Happy Summer to all see you in September. 

Friday, July 27, 2018



THE LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS is undergoing a major facelift: Mr. Member #1 just completed a major software/hardware upgrade that brought the place to a new level of a reliability. making it the most trustworthy  source of information on Cebu. LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM

Remember the old dirty kitchen? "The outlaw" forums as were also called? The place where crooks and pedophiles used to exchange information and tips? Well...It's gone! Overused,  was running out of that addictive smell members couldn't live without; many quit the place in search of other MHTI (Mental Health Treatment Institution) 
In front of this humanitarian disaster, the Elite of the forum decided to reopen the place promising innovation and new style. 

Here is the announcement:

LinC is starting a new restricted access forum. It will be similar to many online forums that have an advanced member section. This forum will be similar to the old Outlaw Forum. A place to discuss current events and issues that aren't allowed on the open forum due to their often contentious nature. 
The name of this new members only forum is The Comfort Room (CR).
  • Membership will be by request only.
  • Access will only be granted to to elite members or above that have at least 100 quality posts within the past 12 months of membership request.
    Same rules apply as elsewhere on LinC, and they will be enforced the same.
  • Be active, or be gone. Members will be required to post regularly and have at least 100 posts per year in the CR to maintain access.
If you want to become a member of The Comfort Room and you meet the posts requirements, please leave a post in this thread requesting access. Your request will be handled as soon as possible, normally within 24-48 hours. Your request will be quoted to let you know when you've been granted access.
Please don't post in this thread for any other purpose.
If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the thread linked here: (don't try to log in if you're not a member.)
Thank you.
Membership is now open, but construction of The Comfort Room has not been completed. There will be an announcement when it's open for busines

The first to raise his hand for questioning was a LinCF veteran former global moderator under the règne of Paul Petrea and dismissed from his post. He was fired by the new guard! I was so worry that he might commit suicide for being stripped of this noble title!! Thanks God it didn't happen! The fact that he chose to stay as a member only helped also to avoid the drama. Bill can still follow his daily treatment within the forum as before. Amen!

On 3/25/2018 at 8:31 AM, Headshot said: 
    • Headshot
    • Elite
    •  22,792
    • 24,320 posts
    • Gender:Male
    • Location:Cebu
    • My Blood Type:I cannot donate
    • Philippines:Current resident

  • First of all, what constitutes a "quality post" and who will be judging that? 
  • Second  really? The rules in the open forums prohibit controversial topics. How will this forum be different if those topics can't be discussed? 
  • Third, why impose an activity rule at all? It seems like it has never been those who read more than they post who have gotten themselves into trouble in the outlaw forums of the past. LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM
  • Having an activity rule will just bring charges that this part of the forum is "clubby" and that unwanted members are arbitrarily removed, similar to the reputation the old "Cellar" had. Does having a large number of forum members somehow create extra work for the staff? If it does (other than signing them up), I fail to see it, so maybe you could explain this.
  • Edited  by Headshot 

    "Bill is this necessary ? your scrutinisation of criteria involving this addition to Linc's current line up....
    Are you going to become a member , or just pick the shit out of the processes ?
    As far as your comment regarding the Cellar ....all of your information is second or third hand chismosa ....are you into chismosa Bill ?
    Take a step back and allow those that are involved and in the KNOW to restructure and format things as they see fit ...there's a good lad now"....

Sorry Bill, this is not the first time you have been called to order since the "departure" (?) Of Paul Petrea, this forum has never been kind to you. What the hell prevents you of signing off?  Most of your buddies are gone long ago. 
You do not fit  the profile as redesigned by the new owners, time for you too retire now,  

Welcome to the Living in Cebu forums new place that goes by the name THE COMFORT ROOM. LIVI

That's how they like it! They asked for, they got it! Congratulations! LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM


LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM The place members go for 
spiritual inspiration and brain oxygenation  Photo curtesy of the living in Cebu forums 
Below, is another suggestion presented by a member by the name "monsoon" (Who the hell is this Monsoon lol!...). Ever since the "departure" of Paul and the closure of the politics shithole we havent read much about Trump. Suddenly, voila! He, (Monsoon) saved the honor and good reputation of the forum. Having a super member - Almost Member#1- endorsing Trump it's an eye blink to the old military farts who earned their medals in an a 9 to 5 office job. A trustworthy member (Now banned) sent me a picture of Monsoon and shows he's bald! Maybe he's attracted by the nice and young looking Trump's hair? Well, if he can afford to pay 50K US$ I can give him the address where to buy the same. Here is what Monsoon wanted. 

But  some of the members felt offended, leaving monsoon with no other choice than renounce. 
Anyway, no discord amongst members rule oblige they settled the problem in the best interest of the collective. 

Friends, its summer time here in the French Riviera, time for...time off. Lots of activities here, even more in Greece where I spend some of the summer days. 

I was hoping that with the latest acquisition of the LinCf by someone who kept the mystery going on for many months will be someone that will come forward, head up, standing up tall, introducing himself and his credentials, also what motivated him to purchase this forum. 

But what was a mystery for 99% of the members it has never been for me. Here is what's next:

-Where is Paul? Did he really sell the forum? and to whom? I'll tell you. LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM

-Who is member #1? Who supposedly bought the forum? Is not going to take much to show you that it flipped from the hands of a psychopath to a low life aventurier  who, (Unlike Paul) loves to  stay anonymous, out of the limelight, especially now days with all the stackers around.....Well, think about it. But Evan knows the story from day one. He'll share it with you soon. LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM

-Why the need of secret forums within the forum? Because what you see on the public forums is not what you really get. No stupid will purchase a forum of the kind of the LinC forums for $25K just for helping you find the best paint in Cebu? 
Excuse me? Make money from advertisements? There isn't such thing folks. The hidden forums is the bread and butter of this board. If there is any money to be made its there, when you can meet crooks, pedos pimps and the /lowincome/lowlife scam setters and sexpats. More details soon. 

As of 15:43 time in France clicking the login button  to the forum getting this.

Am I beating a dead horse? Not yet. The site is up and running but the front page is hidden you can't browse it. But I'm sure the hidden forums are visible to those who are admitted. Let's wait and see what's going on.
Update July 28 2018
Paul Petrea and associates. : LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM
The LiCf is still dark, not down, just unavailable to most users  for a while until definitely reopen with a new look free of headshots, smokeys, watchmen, stalkers and the like. However, a portion of the membership has access to the forum. I'll tell you more later. 
In the meanwhile, if your level of addiction to this forum was incurable, please dont do any stupid thing!!! Please, please.. 

Call the numbers above et Thank you for your cooperation. LIVING IN CEBU FORUMS - THE CONFORT ROOM