Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tribute to a role model Expat.

Tribute to a role model  Expat.
paul petrea is banned. Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Tribute to a role model  Expat.

Tribute to a role model  Expat.
Paul Petrea is out. Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Tribute to a role model  Expat.
As we all move forward with the rebuilding of the Living in Cebu Forums each on his own way, my thoughts go towards those members that refused the submission to a swindler psychopath by choosing the rebellion instead of compromising, for the heck of not putting their membership at risk, so vital for their mental well-being. 

Introducing former member HTM that up to the typing of these lines his profile still shows This user has been banned. 

Let's post a photo of Harry 

Tribute to a role model  Expat.
Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Tribute to a role model  Expat.

Harry can join anytime he wishes, he will be warmly welcomed by his fellows and the new administration. Why he was banned? Posting cops and himself with them to the photo gallery of this forum it's a clear insult to Paul's face lol!!! The Scums will ban him (Paul) from their inner circle depriving him the basics for survival. So? Better find a way to kick him out!

But how this happened?

At this point and time, I'd like to invite member jtmwatchbiz to come forward in open forum and give us the facts. He knows better than most what happened in the DK with Skywalker and Harry. Here is the deal: You come forward and tell us the story, or, I do it here  and let the chips fall where they may. 

Unlike others who fought their banning more than the cause that caused it, Harry did not fight his, he knew what he was doing, he pushed the envelope far enough to irritate Paul on a real disgusting issue provoking his banning, like many others, including myself. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Paul is gone the threat still here.

Paul is gone the threat still here. While I was typing the content of the previous entry and before even finished it, a LICF notification alerted me about a change on the top management.

It didn't come as a surprise to me as I was informed long before that change of ownership is coming starting in the beginning of this year.

What came as a surprise was the place I found the announcement and who the author was. Take a look. Clicking on enlarges the image for better reading)

Paul is gone the threat still here.
Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Paul is gone the threat still here. 

I've never seen my screen splashed with so many crocodile tears before. My books shows a different Ozepete/Paul relationship. This was year 2012. Take a look.

 Paul is gone the threat still here.
Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Paul is gone the threat still here. 

Paul is gone the threat still here.
Paul Petrea and associates. The shame of the expat community in the Philippines.: Paul is gone the threat still here. 

 So? Ozepete? Are you spitting in your soup? 

Reader, decent member of the LICF, This help you understand the kind of hypocrites the old guard, a fraction, still active, the forum is populated. Unfortunately old, used people. Fortunately a small number. 

"Ozepete, the lost soul, the bigot, you have attacked everyone who went to your thread to disagree with you on what the scumbag Paul Petrea is all about, wondering why they didn't do it before. Do you feel clean enough to come out with your real name and tell  Paul's opponents where they are wrong in their judgements? " 
Now, the readers understand why: They will come nose to nose with you and few others before being banned by the master who controls your mind and soul...  End of the rant.

Paul is gone the threat still here. Is he really gone? 
Here is my take. Many members were informed of the change to come, hoping for a smooth transition thinking it was in the best interest of the new owner to keep it as is, meaning the more it changes the more look the same.  Instead, they saw a totally different style of management dominated by two major events: 

1- The total anonymity the new owner has chosen to enter his premise. Unusual. Even the mother of all sexpats forums in the PR "Philippines addicts" we all know who the owner is. BTW, Paul has never showed up there, no one likes him. 
2- The astonishing, inexplicable, unexpected way of Paul saying "au-revoir", just disappeared leaving once again orphan children behind him! Life is now senseless for them. Please! No suicides!

Let's do a bit of guessing work. Lets call the new owner "Member#1" as he likes to be known. 
Does he really wants to openly be identified with a forum that a scumbag has left his fingerprints all over the net signings his real name with LICF attached making it hard to clean up the place? And if you think that I'm the only one contributed to his exposure in the all star scumbags community think again. I will post 12zens of screenshots and links going back to the year 2000.

I think we're dealing with a smart, down to earth  guy or woman as the possibility mentioned in the forum. A good start Member #1. Keep your intentions under wraps. This blogger, Stalker Evan, assure you that if Paul is still on his hit list, The LICF isn't. Not anymore. I'm afraid he will be on for a long time, unless he reimburses the money he stole from his family in Savannah, delete all pictures he has online with Vivian's son and much more; A bit hard for him to comply. 

I'll post this and come back with more. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines

Hello and good day to all. Happy and sh*ty new year. Let's all start it with a particular thought on Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines. (You got the picture already! do you really want to continue reading?) 

I know, longtime without an update, some of you sent me messages asking me if I resigned from the stalking business;  The answer is no! I can't! Paul Petrea hired me as his personal biographer, stalker that is, feeling the obligation to fully comply with my duty I'll never resign without his express consent
Let's get started: First thing first: 

A few words to an offended long time supporter. Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines

Back in July 2017 I posted an entry about this pedophile with the particularity of being also a dangerous schizophrenic, something more and more prominent doctors agree throughout the world: Donald Trump.
A longtime supporter and informant of this blog reacted with the following comment sent to be published: 
Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines

My apology for not posting a few more pics that may had change your mind on whether is trash or not. Here they are:

LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines
Does this look to you as a father —daughter relationship? Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
 LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines
And this one? look at his hand, It reminds me the sexpat Americano, Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
 LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines
And here? Still trash media? Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippine

I haven't personally seen this kind of "fatherly love" before. Knowing the predator is certainly anything else except a kind father I'm not surprised. The comment comes from an American guy, — who else? Unlike for Barack Obama, no citizen in the entire world other than a section of Americans hailed Trump's victory, obviously a Trump supporter who dreamed his idol will make America great again, hoping once this happen will exit the Philippines shithole he's in and join the "Great America," the one Steve Bannon and Donald Trump promised to make the country. 
My advise to him is this:

"If you're offended of what you read on the blog mentioned above, you better stop reading right here. Even better (for you) stop reading this blog all together, past and future entries. What will be coming in the next, maybe several next, might not be healthy for you and many others'  Because your Divine Leader has taught us the real sense of what a shithole is and who's inside. 
Evan doesn't care what the political views of friends and supporters are, will not manage susceptibilities or sensitivities, neither will side with others' opinions in exchange of  complesances or favors. 

Now, you reader, may ask what Paul Petrea and many members of the LICF have to do with Trump's shitholes and psychotic behavior? Plenty! 

First lets get the latest news about Paul Petrea. 

Since day one on the blogs and forums scene, he has always proudly used his real name, as delusional he can be thinking that this was a valuable asset to him, making him touchable to every lowlife expat specialized in pedophelia  Psychotic porn site authors  Crooks and scammers  pimps, to name a few. His thinking was "Bad publicity help him better than good one. It's more attractive to criminals" 

This has recently changed. Paul realized the amount of damages Evan has caused on him with his persistence and strategy paying off the lowlife community no longer like interaction with overexposed buddies fearing contamination. 
He abandoned the old FB profile  he was known for a new one 

Here is Paul. No name no pictures. Bravo Paul!
Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
But if the cheetah change skin the dark spots are always there. He spends his day arguing about Dems and Reps on the same old rhythm. He has to impress the bigots and racists supporting his survival with donations. (More coming) Here is an exchange he had recently with a "FB friend" 

Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
But no word on the dozens killed in Las Vegas. Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
Here is what he got in response from a "friend":
LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines
Right on the money friend! Paul never lived in the US, Almost.…He fled in his 20's while on bail for felonies and scams, went back for a few days 2 years ago after he made sure that his crimes were deleted  under the statue of limitation. Read here please. Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines

Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines

Below is an example of what Paul wanted the forum to be known as. A shithole of pedos and scums seeking advice. Take a look. 
LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines

 Read the story here. Eventually the pedo was banned, only when it was clear to him (Paul) that I was "stalking" the story with the help of insiders; but probably he's back with another ID and continue his activities. All he had to do is giving a tip to Paul and he's back. Besides, Paul like trump, must absolutely be complaisant with his base composed of criminals, what constitute the base of his forum. 

As I said earlier the LICF has other forums not so hidden where "regular" members can attend but only with permission. "Sign me in" that is. 

Welcome to the US politics forums where the bigots and racists unite to spew their venom on any one disagree with them. The ugly American at its finest.  

Reader, I have a story for you. No Trumps fake news here, real people real time real place.

ome time in the year 2016 I received a request for friend on my FB page from someone I never heard of. Is not my habit of accepting requests from unknowns but I did responded through messenger for more information and the reason behind the request. 

Let's take a look at the conversation: 

LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines
Is not the first time I'm receiving messages like this. I have plenty in my files. I'd say 70% garbage, personal vendettas  or placing baits on me to fall in their traps. I spotted it right on the spot, so to speak. A visit to Tullioz profile did not reveal anything to corroborate the accusation. Besides, the screen name Bazzanz he was posting I couldn't find it. But I found this: 

Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines
Where was it? At Paul's FB timeline. This Paul that earlier Ken said he's covering pedophiles in his forum! His friend! His companion in lowlife scene! 

So? What is going on here? Why he befriend me? To help my crusade in taking down Paul? Certainly not. Here comes the Machiavelli....

If you browse Tullioz profile and posts in the forum you'll quickly get the point that he was far from being the best fit there. There is nothing that goes even close to the accusations. He's a compassionate guy, helping people in his community, author of books and articles. As an Australian, 

(Correction: Tullioz is not an Australian as Ken Thurston stated in our conversation. He's American)

he doesn't understand why these Americans that fled the US shithole they were living in, came to the Philippines spending day in night out posting crap about everything isn't white, insulting any buddy who  isn't Trump's kiss ass. 
Tuillioz windup on the scumbags' black list as an "anti" sentencing him to a tone of mud on his name before banning him. They were counting on my colaboration on that. 

A few hard liners charged Ken Thurston to contact me, befriend me, hoping I will jump on the information given, expose Tuillioz, then exploit the fact to ban him. When Thurston realized that it ain't gonna happen  he unfriended me, but the bigots banned him anyway  

Eventually, Tillioz was reinstated, he did the right thing, as did Ian the Davaoeno, it is always good to have a few good men among the parasites, for the heck to show others "hey, we aren't all Paul's puppets here" 

In closing, may I direct my ex supporter to this video for a detox of his brain? 
BTW, Boing offered an $1000 bonus to all of his employees as gesture of good will and sharing a fraction of the billions in tax cut they got from your hero trump. Unfortunately, you won't be there to collect. 


Next: (Sometime this week)
Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines

LICF America's sh*thole in the Philippines

The forum is changing? Really? Or is "the more it changes the more it stays the same?" We'll see. No worries! Evan is not retiring...

Living in Cebu Forums America's sh*thole in the Philippines