After the publication of the last entry on Paul Petrea, James Musslewhite send two comments, but for some reason he directed them not to the one he was named but to this one.
Whatever this reason is and to the contrary of what he may thought, I published them as received and unedited, may be seen by clicking on the second link above. Even better, I thought should take a bit more time replying with a new post rather than a few lines on the comments square.
To the contrary of the place he chose to fire your bullets i’m honorable enough to publish your comment as received and unedited. Your comment is dated Nov.21 just about the same time your rant on the dirty kitchen where you chose to debate it first, before you come to me. Why is that?
Sir, neither Foreign Legion or US Marine Corp have the monopoly of honor or making good men better. Some times is the opposite. both can be a factory fabricating criminals, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols not being isolated cases, Foreign Legion had its share as well.
Frankly, as much respect I do have for those who served and still serving I haven’t seen them in the place you chose to spread your ideals and statements on moral issues you publish there, often in the form of a sermon. All I’m reading from the "veterans" is insults to black color skin people, praising psychopaths cops beating up and killing unarmed people, and this, even from the husbands of Filipinas often with same dark skin as those your partners in "the special forums" erected to them spend their day denigrating.
Are you contributing on that? of course you do! with your own statements? Not necessary, but the effect is the same by being an associate to these peddlers, interacting with them, agreeing with them.Yesterday you were in the dirty kitchen of this forum. The place where the low life, including criminals and psychopaths are fueling the controversy surrounding this community and its owner.
Who are the criminals and psychopaths? Take a look below: Click on to enlarge it)
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. A member of the forum known for his cynical views on Filipinos and all colored people advise to Paul Petrea. |
And this one:
Not enough? Go through the entire topic by clicking on the links below:
How do you like your forumates? Do you really like to flock with them?
Let me ask you this.
You have a FB profile in public view portraying yourself as a citizen living in the PH in good standing, having nothing to be ashamed of, I'd say to the contrary, your passion for the nature and ecological activism makes you stand out of the crowd. Let alone the family person you seem to be, hopefully, and have no reason to doubt it, is for real. Now, the question is how well this guy fit in your list of friends with posts like this on his wall?
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. The arrogance and racists views of Paul Petrea are in line with the members of the living in Cebu forums. |
How do you like it? Proud of your friend?
I want you to read also this; Remember the story about Paul back in the 90s when he almost killed his wife? And there was a baby inside the car? Their son? Just to remind you I'll post a screenshot below.
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. This screen shot above is a reminder for James Musselwhite to his friend Paul Petrea. |
Do you know what happened to this baby inside the car? His name is Woody Petrea Take a look first on his statements below. Like father like son isn't it?
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. This is Paul Petrea's son bearing the same name as his. A shattered life, to the image of his father, the latest being responsible for this decadence. |
And this one:
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. |
The best for the last.
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. |
So James? How do you like Paul advise to his son to save just some of the money for his future, say, spend $500 for weed only and the rest put at the bank..Will you advise your son with the same?
Do you know what happened to the young man days after the statements above?
Let the Police department tell the story:
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. Here is how the young boy ended up. |
It wasn't the first time. He came into brushes with law before.
Sorry for you Woody. I was reluctant to publish your story with photos but the damages on you was already done. Your father has already put you and your mother on the limelight when he was exactly in your age. For the heck of terrorizing your mother and satisfy his animal instincts, covering up his ferocity pretending it was for the love of you.
He has now deleted a second FB account he had under the name WOODY PAUL PETREA dissociating this way any relationship with you. Shame on him Woody....
The psychopath didn't stop here. Before he fled to Cambodia to avoid arrest he took as a hostage an naive girl he has indoctrinated in her the Stockholm syndrome for years, brought her to Cambodia for a round of humiliation with her son that supposedly he recognized as his but if true is only in the Philippines, and then sent her back to the Philippines to find a job in a bar. She chose instead an honest job in the Middle east.

Unfortunately for James not everyone knowing him would agree with me. Especially Atty. Zerda defending the widow of Harry Doyle that got killed August 12 2012 in Surigao. Here is what he said:
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. |
The atty went on to say this:
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. |
And here is James' reply
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James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums. |
James Musslewhite Living in Cebu forums.
Since that day, James took the case to the forums, 3 to my knowledge, one is now defunct, he publishes regular updates on the case as it unfolds in the court. He did that from day one for the same reason he published a picture of Evan Iliadis on his FB timeline, because the latest quoted something he said in Paul's forum.
Afraid it will backfire on his relationship with the peddlers he preferred to anticipate in an effort to cut down the damages. JamesMussle white Living in Cebu forums.
He brought the murder case he's involved in anticipation of the news will circulate in the press as soon the investigation will start, provided he was considered as a suspect in the past in the same case. Better be ahead of them, right James?
Readers, in the days ahead I will bring you everything you need to make your own decision on this mysterious expat case. Too many holes and gaps in his statements and overall behavior. Too much time and effort on image building on FB and the forums, while his wife goes to the US for work to support the family. And more....