Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles by association & cover up.

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles by association & cover up.
 The liars!  
New Update Nov.18th.
Members of the living in Cebu Forums your boss is lying again. As always did. 

Lets put a screen shot of his statement first below. Click on to enlarge it.

  • And here is the same in text. 
  • Canis Lupus Familiaris
  • alty Dog
  • +Administrator
  • 59,926
  • 37,671 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Florida
  • Philippines:Previous resident
My recollection of events concerning Skywalker.
I had lived in Cebu, but I never met Skywalker and was back in the USA before all this started.
From Skywalker's posts, I knew he was gay. I was aware that he had built a home for a family who he had befriended. He often referred to the Family's children as his sons. I thought it was a bit creepy, but I knew that expats adopting (so to speak) families/children wasn't uncommon in the Philippines. 
I wasn't part of staff back when I first heard accusations against Skywalker. I became partially aware of what was going on via a PM from a member who lived in Cerbu and knew Skywalker. I'm not sure how it was spread between the forum members. The accusations were never specifically mentioned, even in the hidden forums. There was some posts about something going on, but not about what it was. I assume it was by personal contact/conversation between members in Cebu and PMs.
I think the member making the original accusations, pissed Paul off because they were serious accusations without proof. Contrary to popular belief, Paul did not ban the member who orginally made the accusations, just for that reason. There were other issues at the time with this member. I think this was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
I don't know the time frame or how much later it occured, but another member become aware of a criminal investigation into Skywalker's behavior. Paul immediately banned Skywalker and reinstated the member he had banned for making the original accuactions. I think it was the new owner who actually told Paul to ban Skywalker. He didn't want the forum to be associated with any such behavior. Or for that matter, any kind of illegal activities by its members. 

Don Pack, you're lying! You, Chris Sorrensen and  the Bobs had full control from day one of what was discussed in the hidden forums, regardless you were in the PH or in the USA. You're now coming with a bunch of I don't know, I don't know, I didn't know, never came to my attention. 

Let me ask you this: Look at the picture below. You saw it on my blog, it was posted in the secret forums by a member. Hundreds, even thousands have seen it. You didn't? 

"Question: How much evidence do you need to remove the disrespectful person from the forum and report them to the authorities? Can we unite with other decent forum members like Fred, Harry, and Ian to take action against this individual instead of just banning them?"
How many lives does he have to ruin for you to act? His tactics were something like "Take them at the age of 7, teach them what gayness is, label them as gay, once 18 dump them and go to the next" From the age of seven, all they knew about sexuality was doing blowjobs to this filthy man. And it followed them for the rest of their life.

I have another question for you knownothing Don Pack. Take a look on the picture below:  
Do you know who she is? (Reader, please don't assume she is his wife, she's NOT!) I'm sure you know. You have seen it before. Question for you: Knowing that she's the wife of someone you know very well, someone you interact with on this forum and maybe outside as well. As a viewer of this photo, what will prevent me from asking "how much is the short time"? 
And how about "How much is the barfine? Because there are other pictures that justify the second question. Can you give us your opinion on what message the "husband" - rather the pimp - is sending us? Now, your "precious item" you brought from the PH to Florida, has she seen this picture? I'm sure she did. Most importantly, what was your reaction? You put quite a few likes, didn't you? Ok, enough for today. Let's publish that and come back with more. Not done yet, I need a break..

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorenssen the pedophiles by association 


1 comment:
As expected, I received the first comment that appears to be sent by a banned member. Read it below:
jtmwatchbiz said...
while I am pleased to read and comment on the write up you did on skywalker, I have to disagree with your associating Don and Chris with him or anyone else chasing youngsters. Neither of them liked William nor defended him once it became clear he was dirty. I am in the position to know this as I was participating in every section of the forum. I also know both of them personally and while we didn't always see eye-to-eye I can vouch for them not being involved in any criminal activities. Of course I can't say the same for paul or some of the other members...
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles by association.

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles Don Pack aka Salty Dog aka Don Cebu new look. What version of photoshop is this?

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Photos of all three. Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

By now, everyone on the Living in Cebu Forums heard the news, the fall of their idol Antony Becket, the star of the Dirty Kitchen and the Celar" that is.

Anthony Becket (link) was the buddy of the architects of these underground forums erected by Chris Sorensen "aka" Monsoon and Don Pack "aka" Salty dog, a sanctuary for lowlife, pedos, schemers, pimps and criminals were receiving help and advisement on their crocked business

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
The "dirty kitchen, "outlaw forum" "The Cellar" "The comfort room" name them as you pleased, were erected to the initiative of these two pioneers in LICF, pedo Don Pack and pedo Chris Sorensen aka "monsoon"  Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles There they are again!

The passing of Paul Petrea did not change the nature of of this forum, the Living in Cebu Forums; the dirty kitchen became comfort room, dirtier than a dirty kitchen, same players, same purpose of existence, thanks to the  new owners. 

Don Pack from Florida 

 Who's Don Pack? Like many sexpats migrating to the Philippines he can be whatever he wants to be! From swiping the deck on a cruise ship, once there (The PH) he can be the manager of the CR in a forum! Congratulations for your promotion Don! 
But the problem is, Don is not living in the Philippines, in fact, he has lived for a short period of time only, just to find a chick third of his age and brought her to Florida where he lives. That's good. Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

But why he wants secret forums within the forums? What's his relationship with fugitives, psychos pedos and crocks acting under anonymity? Fearing what? Or maybe, probably, he's Chris Sorensen's representative for his US operations? 
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

Don Pack hasn't post a single word of condemnation on Antony Becket "Skywalker" as he was known on the forum. But he did express his "nice feelings" on Evan. Here is what he said when numbers of members were directing other members to my page.

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
When Antony's Becket story reached the LICF forum Don pack spent all night deleting links to my blog posted by members. Shadow the crock, con artist on fake divorces and associate on other crocked business for many years, pillar of this forum and Paul's main associate found better way lying to the members. "The software delete them automatically!! " Ah! How this happens? Who's lying? Both!! Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

But Google doesn't delete nothing!  Look what it says. 

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
So? Cuckold? You're denigrating good people out of respect and consideration of a cruel pedophile? Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

In closing, lets take a look who said what in the secret forum where you were the super mod, the mother of all mother fuckers for permitting this kind of conversation. 

Readers, below are screen shots of the conversation between Antony Becket and a member advising him how to travel with his "boys" and stay out of trouble. 

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles

Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
Antony Becket - Don Pack - Chris Sorensen the pedophiles
To be continued:
Next: A warning to Chris Sorensen. Clean up this brothel or face the consequences. I will show your members the kind of businessman you are. No proof needed. Pictures speaks by themselves. You posted plenty to make an entry effortless. You are on notice.